a running we will go

Ok, that was fucking awesome. Pardon the expletive, but it’s been a looong few months since I’ve been able to run like I want to, and tonight I ran like I wanted to. I’ve been doing nothing but six and ones for the past couple weeks, and was going to wait until the end of […]

graceful (or not)

Tonight I pumped up the tires and adjusted the brakes and derailer on my bike, found my shoes and helmet, filled my Camelbak, and threw all of it in the trunk and headed up to Gatineau Park for a little ride. While I was there, I learned some new tricks with math. Specifically: kev + […]


There’ll be no spoilers, so fear not. The pre-screening of Serenity was great. I met up with Chris and Kris, and we sat in the middle about 6 rows back. The theatre was full, and everyone was paying attention. It’s the first time in a loooooooong time that there were no ads, and only one […]

start the signal

Thanks to coop, and indirectly to the proprietor of pie palace, I have a ticket to this evening’s pre-screening of Serenity. I’m psyched, and have been catching up on the odd episode over the past week on DVD or on the recent Joss-a-thon they had on Space. From all indications the movie is going to […]


Wow. I’m home. I have no trips planned in the immediate future. I don’t have to get up Monday morning at 04:00 to catch an 06:00 or 06:40 flight. I’m pretty relieved. I got home from NYC late Thursday and have been doing my best slug impression ever since. The project ended well, and I […]

this week’s track

The more I listen to CBC Radio 3’s podcast, the more I like what I hear. This week introduced me to Vancouver’s The New Pornographers. They’re not anything close to new, but they’re new to me, and it’s another band you’ll never hear any place that plays a “Your station is a Standard Radio station” […]

light at the end of the tunnel

Early this morning I completed the final component of a work assignment that has had me in New Jersey for more than a month. The number one priority has been addressed, and everything looks like it’s running smoothly. There were hiccups, but pre-planning and a couple dry-runs beforehand exposed the kinks and allowed us to […]

good night

Last night, for the first time in the better part of a year, I managed to sleep the whole night through. I’m thinking things are starting to come together, and my body’s starting to like me again. Over the past few weeks I’ve: cut my alcohol consumption down to one or two drinks on Fri […]

more good stuff

Have a listen to Transientworld. They were featured on this week’s CBC Radio 3 podcast, and I’m kinda digging their shit. “Forever in the Sun” incorporates samples, a sitar, and percussion that makes me think of a lighter—but not low-cal—version of the Chemical Brothers. Good stuff, I like.

it’s like a real movie, or something

I went to see Skeleton Key last night and, Kate Hudson cute-ness aside, the best part of the movies was one of the previews. I was psyched, but a bunch of the audience was confused. Seems a LOT of people haven’t heard/paid much attention to Firefly here, including the person I was seeing the movie […]