I DO NOT sound like buffalo

What American accent do you have? (Best version so far) Northern You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for. Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

why clooney is cool/why I love flickr

Barbara Walters asked George Clooney if he’d ever do a movie like Brokeback Mountain where he played a gay character. He replied “I already did.” That’s one of the many reasons I like Clooney – here’s another. I wish all “stars” could learn a little from him, it’d make the world that much better, and […]

are you familiar with the prophecies of the witches?

If not, you should be. The Dark Materials trilogy is one of my favourite reads, with a little magic, a little steampunk, and a great ride all mixed together. Recommended. If you are, check out the new trailer for The Golden Compass, the first of what I hope will be an awesome trilogy. I saw […]

mozilla crew 2007

here’s pretty much everyone from the new gig. I’m way the hell over on the left, doing my best reflector impression. pic was taken at last month’s all-hands in Mountain View, and is courtesy of jstenback and lifted from pkim’s flickr stream.

be red

So last night’s game was pretty sweet. I’ve seen a couple Ottawa – New Jersey games before, and they’ve always been 1-0 snore-fests. This one was great, starting with everyone being surprised by Alfredsson popping one top-shelf less than five minutes into the first. There was a half-second of silence while everyone realized what happened, […]

effects of the second death star’s destruction on endor

I was going through some old e-mail and came across a discussion between me and my old boss at Globix. My boss was our CTO, and we had many, many crucial discussions. They usually started out with a question I asked, such as: Was the Death Star II close enough to Endor – and was […]

why i hearts me some intarweeb

2 kids dressed in all black standing next to a $40k car covered in tape on the side of the Ohio turnpike at 3am. One kid projectile vomiting while the other one tries to take pictures. I give you Reason 4,624 on why the internet is idiotic and fantastic all at once. Besides looking like […]

a good way to close out the weekend:

chicken breasts marinated in a jerk chicken marinade with a little peach salsa on the side a lightly steamed mixture of spinach, green beans, and peppers baby yukon gold potatoes, cooked salt potato style a little peardrax I’ll finish it off with taking in the hockey game, and call it a weekend well-seized. Hope yours […]