dear leafs nation head-honcho-types

Please put Pat Quinn out of my misery, and get a real coach. While you’re at it, please replace Cement Head Jr. with someone who can actually manage a team and get real players when they’re available. At least during the Ballard days the guys actually looked like they were trying. Ok? Ok. Thanks. (I […]

12 years

Twelve years is a long time. In twelve years, your kids can turn into adults. They can marry that nice guy they met, graduate from medical school, move to Calgary, have a great little boy, and start a family. They can marry that nice girl they met, become a police officer, move up North, and […]

running again

It’s been a while, but I’m finally running and exercising on a regular basis again. I’m a loooooong way from doing 20km Sunday runs on a regular basis again, but I’m getting there. Over the past month I’ve been cycling on a regular basis, stretching, and have started gym workouts again. My feet hurt still, […]


So. I had a ridiculous amount of fun yesterday. I was curling. No, seriously. Heaving heavy things in the vicinity of my dad, and not once was I tempted to heave them in anything more than the vicinity. My dad and Sue are members of the Huntley Curling Club, which had a clanspiel yesterday. The […]

just in case you folks in ontario and quebec forgot…

So, how many people pay attention to the bill stuffers that Bell Canada sends you? Didn’t think so. When I worked there, it was identified as the preferred method to send any information that wouldn’t be well received by the customer as studies showed a ridiculous percentage of customers tossed all the extra material without […]

trip to the past

I was going through some paperwork (invoices from a decade and a half ago, when I ran my own company), and came across some pics I hadn’t seen in a while. I believe they were taken in the summer of 1990, but it could’ve been 1991. In any event, it was from one of the […]

dude. _dude_.

Ok, I don’t have kids, so perhaps I see more of the humour in this than someone who does, but Amalah’s latest entry struck me as fairly hysterical (although, I suppose that word can be used in a couple contexts as it applies there). It involves a night out on the town, and forgetting something […]

the new pornographers

I’d say “w00t!”, but that’d be… oh… I just did. Why would I say that? The New Pornographers are playing Bluesfest this year on July the 16th. I am so there. They’re also playing Metropolis in Montreal a week this Sunday. I think I’m gonna try and be there… but who knows. I can’t get […]

good to know

Toilet flush handles have a reverse thread. This information is useful if you’re trying to replace a broken one, as it may spare you the use of the brute-force method to remove the old handle. Next time I’ll try both directions, or having a look at the threads and determining which way is the right […]