just in case you folks in ontario and quebec forgot…

So, how many people pay attention to the bill stuffers that Bell Canada sends you? Didn’t think so. When I worked there, it was identified as the preferred method to send any information that wouldn’t be well received by the customer as studies showed a ridiculous percentage of customers tossed all the extra material without […]

trip to the past

I was going through some paperwork (invoices from a decade and a half ago, when I ran my own company), and came across some pics I hadn’t seen in a while. I believe they were taken in the summer of 1990, but it could’ve been 1991. In any event, it was from one of the […]

dude. _dude_.

Ok, I don’t have kids, so perhaps I see more of the humour in this than someone who does, but Amalah’s latest entry struck me as fairly hysterical (although, I suppose that word can be used in a couple contexts as it applies there). It involves a night out on the town, and forgetting something […]

the new pornographers

I’d say “w00t!”, but that’d be… oh… I just did. Why would I say that? The New Pornographers are playing Bluesfest this year on July the 16th. I am so there. They’re also playing Metropolis in Montreal a week this Sunday. I think I’m gonna try and be there… but who knows. I can’t get […]

good to know

Toilet flush handles have a reverse thread. This information is useful if you’re trying to replace a broken one, as it may spare you the use of the brute-force method to remove the old handle. Next time I’ll try both directions, or having a look at the threads and determining which way is the right […]

a little irony to start the day

While driving along the Queensway this morning to meet my brother and sis-in-law for breakfast, I saw a funeral procession. One of the cars in the procession had the license plate “LVESTRNG”. Right.

got spam karma?

So, there’s a whole bunch of people who I know that use WordPress for their blogging needs, and Spam Karma for preventing those WordPress blogs from getting overrun with spam. They’re the default choice on any of the WordPress sites here on deadsquid.com, and both are outstanding pieces of software (in my opinion, for what […]

something to remember

A glass of good red wine added to your tomato-based pasta sauce is an excellent idea. A glass of good, dry, white wine added to your cheese-based pasta sauce and/or cheese fondue is also an excellent idea.

google globetrotter

Looking to waste some serious time? Look no further, and head on over to Google GlobeTrotter. GGT is not a Google site, but a site that catalogues available satellite imagery of things like buildings, alien spaceports, and really cool images that just happened to be captured by the satellite. Have a gander, it’s a great […]