
I’ve always wondered, how gaseous does Guinness make you? I’m not convinced the stuff they serve in Europe is the same as the stuff they serve here. Every time I drink more than a pint or two here at home, I wonder if they don’t spike the stuff with dissolving gas cartridges of some kind. […]

nano nuh-uh

Well, I feel like a complete and utter idiot this morning. Last night I was at the gym, and was running a little late getting back for WoW night. It seems in my haste to get in front of my PC on time, I left my gym bag in the back seat of my car, […]


3845 It seems that this is what you get from Blizzard for your $15/US per month more often than not these days. My favourite part is the “Okay” button. Dear Bliz, it’s been going on for months, and it’s not ok. I’ve been sitting on the fence about whether the game is worth it these […]

roundcube beta1

3839 The folks over at the Roundcube webmail project have released (8 weeks ago) the first beta of their web client, and it’s installed for all the friends and family to give a whirl. Unfortunately, a preview window didn’t make it into the beta release, although I’m not convinced that’s a bad thing from a […]

7 down, 43 to go

On one hand, it’s a depressing figure because I’ve got such a way to go. On the other hand, I’m just under 1/7th of the weigh (sic) there, which is a great start. I want to get down to my goal weight from a couple years ago, which I never quite made after tearing up […]

patrolling the galaxy once again

/misccrap/blog/sttng_lives So, after the fastest date in recent memory (87 minutes), I started working on my ST:TNG pin last night. I traced pretty much every wire, and repaired a number of solder joints while verifying continuity. I finished this afternoon, and when I figured it was all good, flipped the switch… and got a garbled […]


If stuff like this actually existed, I’d buy it in a second just on looks. I’m continually floored by the designs people come up with in guessing what Apple is going to lay on us, and sometimes wonder if it isn’t just a brilliant way to harvest ideas. This design has a whole lot of […]

de lay of the land

Just once, I’d like US Airways to have their shit together such that the flight from PHL to YOW isn’t delayed. I don’t think it’s ever been on time the 10 or so times I’ve taken it in the last six months. I figured that because our planned departure was 2150, we’d avoid the delays […]

yeah…. sooo… upgrades suck

My inline images are a wee bit broken right now, and IE doesn’t quite display things properly. I’ll be working on it sometime tomorrow eve, but for now, they stay broken. I love “minor” upgrades that break a lot of things. Update: yeah, I lied. it’s the 31st and I haven’t even looked at it. […]

because they care

/misccrap/blog/smoking_is_bad Sign in a Wawa here. Apparently there’s a problem with people buying more than 10 cartons of smokes per day. I’m sure it’s got something to do with keeping people from bootlegging smokes from NJ to PA, but it may be that Phillip Morris just cares about the health of Wawa patrons. Also, this […]