
I’m actually looking the correct way when I cross the street. I get the whole M&S thing. I’m thinking the tube is one of the most intelligently executed subway systems I’ve been on (although it’s a little warm) Spaniards know way too many songs, and are far too eager to sing them into the wee […]

cash rocks

Although I prefer Cocaine Blues, live at the Folsom Prison. Don’t let the turkeys get you down, enjoy your cookies, and get some fuzz therapy. 🙂

happy birthday, ange!

May’s a busy month for our family. Four birthdays to celebrate and one to remember. My baby sister turns 29 again today, and I just wanted to give a little shout-out and wish her a happy day. Hopefully the trip home went well, and you get an opportunity to relax a little bit. Hugs from […]

fat guy, no little coat

On the way to my client site this morning the gym next door was handing out pamphlets on their professional fitness trainers. As props, they had a “before” and “after” person. The “after” was in great shape, the “before” looked like he weighed about 400 pounds, and was drinking a beer (it was 8:15am). I […]


I made it into Heathrow on time last night, and tricked them into letting me into the country (although the Customs line was long, and the people guiding you to the gates were some of the rudest I’ve ever seen. Great first impression.) I tried to buy a ticket for the Heathrow Express, and the […]

and away we go

So, how are you spending your long weekend? Me, I’m in one of my favourite places to be on the weekend – Pearson airport in Toronto. I found out on Wednesday my long weekend was going to be cancelled, and that I’d be spending a week across the pond helping a client with a mis-behaving […]

happy birthday, sue!

A very happy 29th to Sue on this day. Thanks for putting up with dad as much as you do, we really should probably get you a bottle of whisky for that. I wonder if there’s any place I can get some when I’m across the pond? Enjoy the day, and make sure that guy […]


4037 You know, it’s so cool when something arrives in the mail that is completely unexpected. I was thinking that Tierney would be getting something frilly on account of A Moveable Feast, but that was not the plan. This little fella arrived in my mailbox, along with an explanation that there was no pun intended. […]


So… umm… San Jose? I hate to stoop to this level, especially since I’m 0-4, but what the hell. To all you boo-birds in the land of eBay, y’all can go fuck off and die now. Go Oilers!