head tracking with the wiimote

Johnny Lee continues to demonstrate just how cool the hardware behind the wii can be with his demo. Well worth checking out, and do watch the whole thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw

the road to god knows…

the parkdale gallery is currently running a show entitled "Comic Book Chaos", where a number of local artists are displaying their work. as you can probably guess from the title, the focus of the exhibition is on comic book art. I picked up a print of the piece used in the cover art of the […]

dj riko’s merry mixmas 2007

DJ Riko produces a Christmas Mix every year, and it’s a tradition of his that he shares. I’m happy he does, because his mixes are a nice twist on what’s played in store and on the radio. If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional music (which, as a bonus, includes a backbeat), try some […]

support.mozilla.com (sumo) is now live

just a quick note for all you firefox users: sumo, our firefox support forums, went live today. the forums are the start of a knowledgebase designed to help firefox users of all levels of expertise, and should be your first stop when you have a question about firefox that you can’t readily find an answer […]

so, guess where I was this past weekend

ok, that was fun. in spite of the delays getting to chicago. and missing our flight to pittsburgh (which they canceled anyways). and not being able to meet up with kourtney. and enduring a 3.5hr delay in pittsburgh. and a canceled flight in Chicago. which led to an overnight at an airport hotel. and coming […]


That was the bumper sticker on my car for my formative years (high school and uni). The sentiment stays. Go Illini!!! Update: Awe-some. Illini 28 Buckeyes 21

irc can be very entertaining

there was bad eighties music happening in the Toronto office. being in Ottawa, it was hard to share the moment until it was so nicely captured by johnath: <beltzner> and now, “Snow”! <madhava> oh jesus <johnath> o/~ In-for-muh. ajfhadklhfgadlsfjlajf.afj.ajfjaerlkfjaef o/~

lessig on user generated content

Larry Lessig’s talk on user generated content, who’s generating it, how copyright law reacts to it and, most importantly, the effect this has on the content creators is awesome. Take the twenty minutes, and watch the whole thing. His summary at the end addresses an unintended consequence that I had never even considered, and it […]