dinos with my oatmeal

I have oatmeal 4 or 5 times a week. It’s not exciting, it’s nutritional. I keep telling myself this as I choke it down. My old trainer told me to try mixing protein powder in with the oatmeal to “liven it up”. What I got was a congealed mass that reminded me of plaster of […]

a fitting finish

I admit, I’d giggle a fair bit ifthis rumour turns out to be true. When Tommy Hilfiger first started out, he had an awesome product. It was a domestically-made, high quality (I still have two from 18 or so years ago), reasonably – but not cheaply – priced product line, and came in a wide […]


Some days I wake up with a sense of complete loss, and today seems to be one of those days. Last week was a complete write-off with work, and I got very little accomplished. Things on the activity side are motoring along nicely, but everything else seems stuck in neutral. I just can’t shake this […]

alive with bacon

A while back I posted about the breakdancing transformer ad for the Citroen C4. As with a lot of good things, the copycats come out after the fact. They’re usually worse than the original, and this one is no exception. It goes on way too long, knocks off both the original ad and the music, […]

crap on the right

I’ve made a couple changes to the sidebar, adding a random pic from my photo gallery along with info on what’s currently playing on iTunes. Why? I dunno, it just seemed like a good idea. The tunes info comes courtesy of Brandon Fuller’s Now Playing plugin for iTunes (Windows only, but there are a bunch […]

owie, owie, owie

I keep meaning to update, really. No, I mean it. Honest. Sometimes things get in the way. This week it’s been a complete lack of motivation. I’m having a really hard time getting anything down on paper, whether it’s work, blogs, or schoolwork. I think it’s just one of those things, and it’s starting to […]

now that’s a good sammich

Taking a cue from Hobbes, I’m a fan of tuna salad sammiches. Unfortunately, most tuna salads are excruciatingly bland, lifeless, and dry. I’ve been playing with combos over the last couple weeks, and have hit upon a mix I love. The mix is not too dry, not too wet, and uses a minimum of fats. […]

unclear on the concept

So, I came across a quote today which left me pretty much speechless. I know some people just don’t get it, and I shouldn’t be surprised when I hear about them (especially when they’re in the Southern U.S.). A white kid at a high school wore a shirt with a picture of a couple black […]

frankfurt i’m sorry

Back in the bad old Ingenia days, there was a bunch of Westies who came to visit, work, and play with us for a while. One of them had really stinky feet, and grew up to be CTO of a successful online jewelry company (where he scored a very cool desk). He loved this westie […]