creepy old eastie

So I was finishing off my day, and decided to read kj’s blog. Understand that I feel like a character in some alternate, older, Judy Blume universe these days because of a lot of things I won’t get into, but was having a decent day. Then I read kj’s post. It’s nice to know that […]

high expectations

I thought about it this morning, and really, people who expect me to get up at 3:30am and spend the next 10 hours travelling should not expect me to be completely functional until the following day. I even tried caffeine, it’s not working. Oh, if you try to convince me that a four-week work assignment […]

amalah’s the real deal

Ok, I admit it, I have spent a fair bit of time perusing the queen of everything‘s blog, and I haven’t laughed as much in a long time. Amy’s got style, and despite her life being just a little unhinged right now, manages to share with everyone and still make people laugh. I really hope […]

cheese, please

Urk. There’s a company cook book floating around out there, somewhere, that seems to be built on cheese. It has recipes for breafast through dinner, and a desert or two. The recipes aren’t posted, but someone’s scanned the the lurvley pictures and added brief summaries like this one, for “orange fluff”: Ok, before you laugh, […]

cut the mash up(!)

Rawesome mashup/cutup by DJ Food incorporating a tonne of samples, sound bytes, and beat matching. Apparently the original was put together almost two years ago. The expanded track puts together Queen, Elvis, Jay-Z, Destiny’s Child, the Beastie Boys, the Beatles, soundclips, and some serious beat-matching – and that’s just the first four minutes! Check it […]

the puck drops

So the “new” NHL started last night, and I tuned in to have a boo. I watched the last half of the Ottawa-Toronto game after getting back from dinner with the Wednesday night crew, and the first period of the Phoenix-Vancouver game. The “Battle of Ontario” reminded me a lot of the last NHL game […]


Every so often, my dad surprises me. Today he did so with a very short story, and it gave me some insight into what a wonderful person he can be. The specifics are personal, so I won’t go into them here, but it was a little family history that made me smile and also reinforced […]