which science fiction writer are you

Huh. For a change, I’m pleased with the result of an intarweeb quiz. I am: Arthur C. Clarke Well known for nonfiction science writing and for early promotion of the effort toward space travel, his fiction was often grand and visionary. Which science fiction writer are you?

all hotels should have a desk like this

Check this out: a hotel desk that contains something other than a Gideon bible and cheap-ass pens. Not only are there useful desk-like items, there are also TOYS! Someone here was thinking when they designed these rooms. There’s other cool stuff, but I’ll talk about them later. I have to get my ass in gear.

jack layton… ac-tor!

uploaded by Mattman4698. I love this pic, expecially how serious Layton looks standing next to one of the other… err… actors. A little piece of flickr that I thought should be shared with you all.

i can’t see a difference, can you see a difference?

I went to Timmy’s to get a coffee this morning, and needed something to tide me over until brunch. There are signs all over for their yogurt and berries, so I got one. I love berries, and I like yogurt, and I thought the odds of anyone being able to fuck that combo up were […]

how I amused myself today

Because I’ve had quite enough of vapid, fanboy coverage of Macworld and CES by the regular distractions, I had to find something on the weeb that would keep me entertained. Surprisingly, I accomplished this. Interested? Tough shit, I’ll tell you anyways. Go to this site. Skip the intro, unless you have a coconut fetish. TURN […]

no, not dead

And no, definitely not sorry. 🙂 I just haven’t been terribly motivated to write anything… and really, nothing I’ve been thinking about the last couple weeks has been that interesting. So, unlike most times, I spared y’all. (Belated) Merry Christmas, I guess.

still laughing

Every time I see this clip, I can’t help but laugh. I love the Leafs, and while Tucker has finally started to play hockey (now that the whine twins of Quinn and Domi are gone), he’s still not my favorite player in the league. Kovalev, of the Canadiens, takes a high stick from Tucker at […]

for j and grrl

I had totally forgotten that R.E.M. had done a bit on the (newer) Muppet Show. It’s a takeoff on Shiny Happy People, and is for all the bi-polar muppet monsters out there. For some reason, R.E.M. will always remind me of j and grrl and the time we all worked together. It’s a good memory.