
I don’t normally dream, at least I don’t think I do. The only time I can remember dreaming is because my dream is actually a nightmare. I die a lot in them (that whole “you don’t die in your sleep” is so much bullshit), but they’re normally memorable in their imagery. Last night I had […]

the new gas game

Ah, supply and demand. It’s the justification companies use when they’re fucking you without your consent and you’re telling them to stop while they say “hell no”. Gas companies have long played this game in Canada, with prices starting high on Friday afternoon and dropping over the weekend. It was not uncommon before all the […]

creepy old eastie

So I was finishing off my day, and decided to read kj’s blog. Understand that I feel like a character in some alternate, older, Judy Blume universe these days because of a lot of things I won’t get into, but was having a decent day. Then I read kj’s post. It’s nice to know that […]

high expectations

I thought about it this morning, and really, people who expect me to get up at 3:30am and spend the next 10 hours travelling should not expect me to be completely functional until the following day. I even tried caffeine, it’s not working. Oh, if you try to convince me that a four-week work assignment […]

amalah’s the real deal

Ok, I admit it, I have spent a fair bit of time perusing the queen of everything‘s blog, and I haven’t laughed as much in a long time. Amy’s got style, and despite her life being just a little unhinged right now, manages to share with everyone and still make people laugh. I really hope […]

cheese, please

Urk. There’s a company cook book floating around out there, somewhere, that seems to be built on cheese. It has recipes for breafast through dinner, and a desert or two. The recipes aren’t posted, but someone’s scanned the the lurvley pictures and added brief summaries like this one, for “orange fluff”: Ok, before you laugh, […]

the puck drops

So the “new” NHL started last night, and I tuned in to have a boo. I watched the last half of the Ottawa-Toronto game after getting back from dinner with the Wednesday night crew, and the first period of the Phoenix-Vancouver game. The “Battle of Ontario” reminded me a lot of the last NHL game […]