dinner, but no movie

Tonight was one of those nights where I had to stop and think. This is an oddity for me, and it was brought on by the fact that my dad has not been to a place that I’ve called “home” since I lived on Kilborne Place. For those who may be unfamiliar with where I’ve […]

mostly painless

So. Welcome to WordPress 2.0. The transition seems to have gone decently, although I will admit I haven’t looked at everything. I’m still using Spam Karma, and will continue to do so as it has performed incredibly well. A couple tweaks were required, but this place seems to have come through just fine. Now all […]

coffee table

Would anyone in the Ottawa area like a coffee table? It’s solid pine, from Ikea, and has survived seven moves and six career changes. As expected, the pine has taken on a golden hue from aging, and has been oiled on a quarterly basis through its life. There are a number of minor dents here […]

the impossible dream

Here’s an ad that’s really hard to describe, but can be summed up simply as “cool”. It’s a great bit that spans Honda’s history, the passion they attribute to themselves, their depth in the “things that go” market, and the rush that’s associated with doing things you couldn’t do unassisted. Beautiful imagery, and a great […]

game on! car… err… truck!!!

Since we’re about to get bombarded with a whole bunch of promises that’ll never be kept, here’s a little election humour to kick things off: A company of Canadian troops were on patrol north of Khandahar and came upon a Taliban insurgent badly injured and unconscious. Nearby, on the opposite side of the road was […]

you know you’re tired when…

…you walk into the bathroom and can’t, for the life of you, remember why you’re there. You go back to what you were doing, and realise you have to pee. Suddenly, it becomes clear why you went to the bathroom. I’m tired, not old, and that’s my story.

one point

Well, I almost had a shot at the money this year in FFL. I was pretty sure I was going to get my ass kicked this weekend, as my running game has been, well… suspect (a nice way to say “craptacular”). Mike beat me by a point, and it would’ve been nice to see Hines […]

pocket protector

I’m not understanding the need for a product like this. I can’t recall ever experiencing problems from the rubbing and/or chafing mentioned, even while running, so I’m definitely not their target market. Maybe it’s the weather in the UK.

more google fun

While I was looking for the correct spelling of Hanukkah earlier, I noticed that Google has added a decorative touch to certain searches. Normally the vertical line between search results on the left and ads on the right is thin and blue. On certain keywords, however, the line is replaced with a graphic divider. Search […]