mostly painless

So. Welcome to WordPress 2.0. The transition seems to have gone decently, although I will admit I haven’t looked at everything. I’m still using Spam Karma, and will continue to do so as it has performed incredibly well. A couple tweaks were required, but this place seems to have come through just fine.

Now all I have to do is post.

3 thoughts on “mostly painless

  1. Does the smoothness include the glaring red banner at the top?

    (It sounds like SK2 has recently been updated on this blog. But not fully configured. You MUST visit Spam Karma’s admin page at least once before letting it filter your comments (chaos may ensue otherwise).)

  2. Huh? Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?

    What browser do you see this in? I have since visited the page (which I kinda forgot to do).

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