fantastic fourth

My sister had a little girl yesterday morning, bringing the number of nieces and nephews to four (two of each)! Meaghan Joyce Kealey was born December 3rd, 2006 at a civilised hour, and weighs in at 7lb 14oz. She decided to be a little different and come into the world feet-first, so was delivered via […]

well, that was weird

For a variety of reasons I’m not a big fan of Christmas. I like seeing family and friends and whatnot, but the idea of Christmas itself is not a big deal for me, and I could do without it. Aside from a 2.5′ fibre-optic tree – which got tossed a few years back – I’ve […]

peace tower

One of the things I like about being Canadian is that our parliament is accessible. There is a large security and police presence, but they blend and observe instead of putting on an overt show of force with an aim to intimidate (because that works so well in other places). It allows us to take […]

reboot: 31536000

Gawd, how does the time go by so fast. I posted this pic a couple days ago on flickr, and despite the facial expression, I’m actually feeling pretty good. I took this after the first workout I finished where I didn’t think I was going to die – it’s taken somewhere around 4 weeks to […]

sf book meme

Moggy‘s got a meme up that I can spend the couple minutes on to answer as well. Have a look below the jump if interested, and the theme of the meme is which of the books on the Science Fiction Book Club’s 50 most significant SF/Fantasy books list have you read or tried to read, […]

six feet under

Huzzah, huzzah! I knew if I wated long enough, the price of a season’s worth of Six Feet Under would fall below $100. Best Buy has Season’s 1-3 for $49.99 CAD now, and if you haven’t ever watched the show, I strongly recommend it. I got Season’s 1 and 2, which will keep me busy […]