good luck, have fun, i won’t be watching

I think Fark sums it up best – “Tentative NHL labor deal reached. Tens of fans overjoyed”. Good luck players and owners, you’ll need it after a year of showing everyone just how much you really cared about the game. I know I won’t spend a dime on tickets, parking, satellite packages, concession stands, or […]

kicking and screaming

Tonight marks day two in my quest to get back into the running form I had right before I started ultimate last summer, which effectively killed my running long distances (I got hurt in the first game of the year, and was injury prone for the following 6 months). I’m planning on running the Prince […]

to stand on guard for thee

My dad’s an interesting guy, despite what I may say about him from time-to-time 😉 His education and passion is military history (he has several thousand books on the subject), and he’s been active with one group or another for as long as I’ve known him. He’s not a warmonger, he’s an educator, and his […]

new version of web stats

For those of you with a web site, you may notice that your stats look a little different. I finally got around to upgrading Analog to version 6. It’s the first real change to the look of the stats pages in a very, very long time, and I like it. As always, if you […]

happy canada day!

On the anniversary of our wee nation’s birth, we pull out the flags and the red and white clothing. It’s kinda like Christmas lights, but they come down almost as fast as they go up. Ottawa is the the place for a party, and a couple hundred thousand people head downtown to take in some […]

it’s nice to be home

Today was the first time in almost a month where I don’t have to worry about being somewhere on Monday morning other than Ottawa. I’m pretty exhausted, and am really happy to be home for a week or so to take a break and enjoy Canada Day where it should be enjoyed. I don’t even […]


Wow, this is a post that’s up way past it’s bedtime. I don’t really have an excuse, as I have had loads of free time on my hands while iin Denver (I just seem to pitch it at WoW) Back at the start of the month, I headed to New Jersey to see the new […]


One of the uber-stations in the US last night was playing a movie I hadn’t seen in a while. The movie was Gremlins, that early eighties movie about a cute furry beast that begat nasty, reptilian beasts when mixed with water. The nasty beasts had a leader. That leader’s name was Spike. Spike loved the […]