well, that’s a relief

At the start of the summer, I was averaging +6 for a round at the Jacques Cartier disc golf course. On one of said rounds, I threw my Pro Tee-bird into the Ottawa river on the first hole. This round kicked off 5 consecutive rounds in the double-digits, including one of +17, which is about […]


I like the way Seth Godin thinks, and holy crap did he ever nail this one right on the head. How many times have you set your hopes on something that was possible, but not necessarily likely? Of those times where your hopes were answered, would you give them up for anything? Probably not. Here’s […]

i didn’t take no stereos

I’m sorry, Rafael is full of shit. His story changes from “I’ve never done steroids, period” to “I never knowingly took steroids”. Give me a break. Remember a certain sprinter who claimed someone put steroids in his water? Palmeiro is alluding to the same kind of thing now, although I’m sure the story will be […]

monkeys with bagels doing taxes

As Ev says, “quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve read on the internet in ages”. I know I’ve been on projects like this one, and I think the sysadmin capitulating to the monkey’s demands is pretty much spot on. It reminds me of a call I had yesterday with an individual who had made up […]


My flight from New York (well, Newark) didn’t leave until 8:35 on Friday, so I took the opportunity to visit with Walt, Lee, Zoe, their new arrival, and Lee’s dad as an extra bonus. Jake is a hoss, and you can already see that he and Zoe are going to look an awful lot alike. […]


I was back in New York for some client meetings, and had some down time across the Hudson while waiting for a ride. I was sitting at the ferry terminal (well, let’s be serious, it was a dock), and had an angle on Manhattan which struck a chord. I’ll leave the interpretation up to you, […]

and heeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrre’s jacob!

And in this corner, wearing the black trunks and weighing in at nine pounds, seven ounces, please welcome, the new arrival, the wonder of wonders, Zoe’s new champeeen… Jacob… Fry… Trotta!!! Jacob entered the world on Bastille Day at 16:50 eastern, and joins his big sister Zoe in one of the coolest families on the […]

well, this is a first

I’ve travelled a lot over the past decade, but I can’t recall ever being in a situation like this before. I had a later flight from Toronto to Ottawa, and we arrived at around 23:30 to thunderstorms. The airport uses a lightning sensor (which measures localised static electricity) and, when it hits a certain point, […]