well hey, that’s nifty

CBC Radio 3, a radio program and satellite channel that features all-Canadian music I like, featured one of my pics today. They maintain a pool on flickr where people can submit their shots. Each day they pick a photo from this pool as their image of the day. Mine made it today 🙂 It’s also […]

this is a corvette?

DSC01468 – alelex dear chevrolet, you’re doing it wrong. like, really, really wrong. congrats on taking an icon and turning it into a piece of rice. I wish I could say I was surprised, but this kind of product – which the big three just can’t seem to get their heads out of – is […]

john henry’s got a great sense of humour

no doubt that hank will continue to prove he doesn’t after he receives his membership card. I’m a yankees fan (well, more a jeter fan), and I gotta say that this is the perfect response to Hank’s idiocy du jour. I’m thinking of starting a pool on when good ‘ole Hank will implode under the […]

flickr’s got issues, and they’re getting worse

I have to say, I’ve noticed that flickr hasn’t been the same since some "optimization" changes to the databases were applied in mid-january. in addition to a few outages, which weren’t so irritating, the contact update issue seems to be getting progressively worse. I’ve noticed it’s gone from 1-3 hours to update some contact to […]

halle-freaking-lujah, no more first keypress ignored on osx

dear apple: about goddamn time. there’s been an issue with macbooks and macbook pros where the first character you type gets ignored. apple’s release note states it happens when the machine comes out of an idle state, but I’ve also noticed it (a lot) on window focus changes as well. shaver let me know this […]

corporate zombie

my new work is kind of funny, because I’m constantly referred to as an enterprise/corporate guy. I have worked for some very large organizations, but for the most part have been self-employed or employed by a company with less than one-hundred people. I have, however, worked with a large number of behemoth-sized companies over the […]

and this month, I joined a cult

I have been organizationally challenged all my life. I’ve been able to get away with it, up until now. My current job involves juggling a few hundred balls, and I’ve dropped a lot more than is acceptable, and most of the drops come from not being properly organized. I needed – and still need – […]

oh. my. god.

I like dr. pepper. I also like the vanilla cherry dr. pepper. I have no taste, I know, but I like it, so there. I picked this up at loblaws today thinking it was cherry dr. pepper in new packaging, because really, no one sane likes that shit, and they’re always dreaming up new ways […]

flightstats now available with google

flightstats.com results are now available when you search for your flight number through google. this gives you a quick way to check on your flight (or the flight of someone you know) without having to hit up the carrier sites and navigate (in some cases) through their slog. to use it, you’ll need the two-character […]

head tracking with the wiimote

Johnny Lee continues to demonstrate just how cool the hardware behind the wii can be with his demo. Well worth checking out, and do watch the whole thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw