top five beers

This one’s a little easier for me, as I have a very good understanding of what I like, and what I don’t. I’ve tried a number of the low-carb and light beers lately, and while I drink ’em, they’re definitely not in the list of faves. As a rule, I like the darker beers, and […]

top five songs

update 15-nov-2006: way too many sites are referencing/linking to these tracks, so all the mp3’s have been removed. Axe posted his top five songs a while ago, and I’ve been pondering my top five for quite some time. Like anything else that’s subjective, they’re bound to change over time. Here’s what’s on my brain as […]

one week to go

So, at this time next week, I should be landing in Glasgow for a week and a half of enjoying Scotland. Karen has generously offered to put up with me for a while, and make sure I don’t kill myself by looking the wrong way when I cross the street. The itinerary has been pretty […]

keep the frequency clear

So I worked in a bar for seven years doing a combination of bouncing, bartending, and managing (more like assistant managing, but whatever). It was actually a couple bars, because I worked for CUSA Liquor Ops, working at Oliver’s and Roosters. Back then Roosters served booze, and Ollie’s looked something like an elementary school gym […]

two beers and a fruit cup

Ok, that was an interesting day. I went to bed way too late last night considering I had to be up at 3:45 to catch a 6am flight. I woke up to what I thought were snowplows early in the morning, but it turns out it was some tectonic shakin’ and bakin’. In any event, […]

just about ready to go…

…one more game, and gopher‘s boys will kick off March Madness as the number one seed. A win tomorrow will give them an undefeated regular season, as well as a probable unanimous #1 seed in the tournament. No team has has finished the season undefeated and won the NCAA tournament since the 1976 Indiana squad. […]

time flies

Words can’t express how much I’ve missed you every single day over the past eleven years. Love, always. (you taught me that 😉 )

sarcasm done right

A nice little bit on some of the absurdity that can come with copyrights, and extensions that the idiots who pass laws down South keep popping in. Unhappy Birthday to everyone. 🙂