reality tv, pintday style

Jesus, Ev makes me laugh, and KJ makes me think (and the roles are toally interchangeable). I am very lucky in that I get to post my drivel alongside the stuff that comes out of Ev and Kjell’s brain (yes, this is an intentional grammatical error). Ev’s the tounge-and-cheek one, and Kjell’s the methodical, maniacal, […]

dear ipod/itunes dev team

For a Christmas firmware update for the iPod, I would love to see the following: stand alone Party Shuffle on the iPod itself. All relevant info is stored on the iPod datastores, so it shouldn’t be that big a deal… right? fix the clicker settings so they’re saved on the 4th gen iPods. Resetting them […]

what it’s all about

I was watching ESPN’s Sports Center (I’m in the US, so they spell it all funny), and one of the highlights was a girls little league team winning a 1-0 game to advance in their World Series. As the winning run was scored, the team understandably went a little nuts. There was much celebration, with […]

westward, ho!

So. Tickets are booked (thank you TD Visa). Pintdays have been reserved. The wife (no, not mine) has been consulted. Siblings (and fam) have been notified. I’m all set. I will be in Vancouver and Seattle for the first time in six years this November by way of Calgary. I’m sooooo looking forward to it, […]


On coop’s recommendation, I gave the local Freecycle group a try. I had a couple things that I didn’t expect to get any money for, and were taking up space, so made them available on the groups. All the items found new homes within 24 hours, and two of the three folks wrote follow-ups, which […]


That’s my prediction for this bit of celluloid. Not even The Rock will be able to save it, methinks.

6k, the hard way

For the past year I’ve had an excuse not to run. I tore the shit out of my soleus, followed it up with straining all my extensors and landing on my back for the better part of a month, and promptly severely sprained my ankle after getting off said back. During that time I’ve run […]

well, that’s a relief

At the start of the summer, I was averaging +6 for a round at the Jacques Cartier disc golf course. On one of said rounds, I threw my Pro Tee-bird into the Ottawa river on the first hole. This round kicked off 5 consecutive rounds in the double-digits, including one of +17, which is about […]