priceless, my ass

4049 1 sore foot that is driving me around the bend 1 sore knee from the sore foot that is driving me around the bend 6 trips to the sports medicine clinic 1 surgery put on and taken off the table twice 2 different sets of orthotics at $300/set 2 new pairs of shoes at […]

new feature on threadless

Well… it may not be new, but I just noticed it today. Check out the “A song about this tee…” link on the upper-right-hand side of this page. Have a look at the tee first, then play the song. If you’re sufficiently twisted like me, you’ll giggle. Yet another reason why threadless is the best […]

standing o

I think the meaning of the standing ovation has been lost somewhere along the way, or it might just be that in Ottawa people don’t get it. That sounds pretty pretentious, but I can’t remember the last performance of any kind in Ottawa where people didn’t stand and applaud at the end. I like the […]

refreshing sand

Look! A manual exposure! By me! Not involving a trench coat and a bus! And it looks like I may even have a clue! And how about all them exclamation marks!!! (damn you, prii) Thank you Canon for making it easy to fake it, and thank you even more Bryan Peterson for an outstanding reference […]

van: confirmed

3646 Alrighty, I’m gonna go see shesa get hitched to that crazy-but-excellent beau of hers at the end of August. This means a trip back to Vancouver, and I’m totally stoked about going. Tickets are booked, the hotel is booked, and now all I need to do is make sure I get to see all […]

ron maclean vs. colin campbell

During the second intermission of Game 4 of the finals on Monday, Ron MacLean interviewed Colin Campbell and took him to task for some of the calls and lack of calls during the playoffs. Campbell tried to spin it a little with the old “what do you want us to do, it’s the playoffs, and […]

which superhero are you?

Calling Moggy out on this one. So, which superhero are you, anyways? I’m pleased with my result, and even more pleased that Wonder Woman was nowhere near the top (although we shall not speak of Robin being so high on the list, ’cause that really chaffs my nads). I am, I ammmmmm, I am Iron […]

woah, canada.

Thanks to the folks in Edmonton this eve for a kick-ass rendition of our national anthem on live TV. Paul Lorieau has been making a habit lately of turning the pre-game singing duties of O Canada over to the assembled masses at Rexall Place. It’s working. They sing it loud and proud in Oil Country, […]

true dat

Nothing like hitting the nail right fucking on the head. (Expletive deleteds not required, but added because god dammit, the Roloson nonsense just ain’t right) I admit it, I’m still hoping the Oilers pull it out tonight on Saturday.


Wow. Jen hit 3,000 pics on flickr today. The amazing thing is how many of those 3,000 pics are a delight to look at. She’s super-talented, and I strongly encourage you to check out her pics and writings if you haven’t already. Congrats jen, ’tis truly awesome.