when winds are gusting at 30km/h+

…it’s best not to open your umbrella, as there’s a very good chance it’ll get blown open the wrong way. Further, bringing the umbrella close in to minimize the lifting surfaces exposed to the wind can assist in mitigating the risk of being blown open, but increases the risk of walking into other pedestrians (like […]


Did you know that some people don’t take kindly to mental lapses? I was talking to a woman I met through running last night, and had a momentary brain fart and confused her with another woman at running (there are a lot there). I recognized my error, apologized, and was told not to worry about […]

i r teh suk

I am plumbing new depths as I continue on my record-setting pace in our fantasy football league. I am 0-8, and managed to leave 57 points on my bench in a 76-73 loss this weekend. It’s been the way the year has gone – out of eight losses I had the ability to win six […]

kieran daniel kealey

Woo-hoo! I am an uncle times three! My little sister Ange had a little boy last night (sometime around 11pm Eastern, I believe). Kieran Daniel Kealey weighs in at 6lbs 13oz. Details beyond that are sketchy, but I am told mom and baby are doing fine, and daddy’s all freaked out 😉 I was surprised […]

well, that was annoying

We played our weekly game this eve, and it was a bit of a blowout. The abnormal part about the blowout was that we were on the winning side. I kinda ran up and down the sidelines, but didn’t do a whole lot. We had decided to stick to short throws, because the long throws […]

it’s that time of year

No booze ’til Christmas, with the exception of American Thanksgiving weekend. I looked in my blue bin and was appalled at the amount of empties that have appeared there over the weekend. Couple that with sleep patterns that are all buggered up, too many fuzzy thoughts, five pounds of weight gained, and a craving for […]

speaking of RIM…

…it looks like they have a new toy. The 7100-series looks a lot more like a phone than the old style Blackberry unit. They’ve changed the keyboard significantly, and from the demo it appears that they’ve taken the best of T9 and blended it somewhat with the QWERTY layout. It even has real phone features […]

blackberry 5750 7750 usb fun

I have a Blackberry 7750. I was reminded today of how painful the installation process was by a colleague who was having issues getting Win2k to recognize his. The long and the short of it is that RIM’s install software seems to be hit and miss with Windows 2000 when it comes to installing the […]

amazing race

Now this is a bike tour. Apparently there are parts of the tour where you get your very own armed guard (like in Sudan). Pretty sweet though, and 3 months of fun for around 10.5k is not so bad.