friday giggle

There are plenty of dating sites out there, and it’s kind of entertaining to see how it’s the same people over and over at all of them… not that I’d know, or anything. It’s not a very innovative market, and the “innovations” are more to protect revenue streams at the pay-for-a-glimmer-of-hope sites than they are […]

some ideas should stay in people’s heads

Every morning I grab a cup of decaf and troll my favourite websites for news and oddities. Most of the time it’s an informative and entertaining experience, but every so often it’s just nasty. This morning was one of those mornings where a healthy appetite went out the window. Why? Battered, cheese-filled, bacon-wrapped, and fried […]

sunday night dinner

I miss having a regular sunday night dinner with the fam, and try and invite friends over as much as possible. tonight I bribed mike and jen (ok, I bribed Mike. I just have to make sure I keep chocolate in stock and I think Jen will be happy) over by ordering the sens vs. […]

food as memory

a quick update: five (!!!) years have passed since I posted this, and the only thing that’s changed is one of the recipes 🙂 there is never enough time, and I wish she had been around to see all of the amazing things that have happened in the last five years. I have a beautiful […]


So, Ottawa fans… with your team surrendering three third-period leads in a row and losing all three games, are you concerned yet? You probably should be. In the playoffs, you don’t get points for tying through regulation.


As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes flickr spits out a gem. Sesselja is one of those talented people whose photostream is worth watching on a daily basis. She does great still life work, and her experiments with liquids are awesome (and the shots from around Iceland are equally compelling). At the risk of sounding a little, […]

time heals?

There’s an old adage that time heals all wounds. I don’t think it’s true. It doesn’t matter how many years pass, today always hurts. I miss ya.

wordpress 2.1.1 bad. upgrade now.

If anyone out there has upgraded to WordPress 2.1.1 recently, be advised there is potentially a wee problem with the code. The server the distribution package resided on was compromised, and the 2.1.1 package was modified to contain an exploit which allowed execution of code locally (which in turn could lead to your boxen getting […]

last weekend of winterlude

A friend of mine came up for the weekend to take in the last bit of Winterlude, Ottawa-Gatineau’s winter festival. Another friend of theirs came along, and they arrived just before midnight. We had “a” drink, which somehow stretched out to a couple bottles of wine and a 4:30 bedtime. Saturday was brunch at Woody’s […]

best hot chocolate

So, I tried a little bit of the hot chocolate from Les Saisons in Chelsea. I’m not a big chocolate fan, but omfg this was amazing. I was an idiot and didn’t buy my own cup, cuz I had a doctor pepper. Did I mention I was an idiot? Best hot chocolate I’ve ever had. […]