what the f***?

I bought a couple CDs today. One had a track called “PUNK A** B****”, the other had a track called “Stank A** H**”. That made me laugh. I don’t know why. Update: Ok, I know why. I can’t figure out why anyone would bother to use “*”‘s instead of the proper characters; it’s not like […]

call me gimpy

So, I went to see the doctor about my calf today. It was a typical appointment – wait 30 minutes past the appointment time, spend 15 minutes going over the problem with a (very nice) doctor-in-training, and then get told “You probably tore it in May and that created a bunch of scar tissue. Last […]


…does anyone care that the Summer Olympics start in a couple weeks? I know I’m having a hard time pretending to be interested. It’s really sad, because the folks that are participating have been working hard to get there, and deserve some respect and appreciation, but it’s been hard to come by. It’s a big […]


…and just like that, the euphoria over an amazing weekend is gone. My trainer and I decided it was time to step running up a bit, and start with some lower intensity speed work. I did my warmup, stretched everything out, and started the zone 2 run. A little bit into the run, something let […]

co-ed jamboree

Ok, that was a weekend well seized. I had the opportunity and honour of playing with number of the folks from ÜberSküber this weekend at the Co-ed Jamboree out at UPI. I was really, really nervous about playing with a bunch of folks I had never met, and had butterflies for the first time since […]

you might be an anti-spam kook if

Was cleaning out the inbox, and ran across a funny on “you might be an anti-spam kook”. If you’ve ever managed a mail server, you’ll find this humourous. If you’ve never managed a mail server, chances are you shouldn’t follow the link because you won’t see any humour in it at all. It’s very geeky.

donnie darko sndtrk

Holy crap – coop appears to be in update-on-a-regular-basis mode again. This means I must follow suit, just in case he decides to call me on previous potshots. I watched the Butterfly Effect on the train home the other day, and was very disappointed. I have to disagree with coop’s assessment, because punk’d is what […]

boo lifecycle

Today marks (what is hopefully) the end of my recovery period. Back in the second week of May, I tore a whole bunch of connective tissue between my solerus and my tib. It made running next to impossible, and playing ultimate on it prevented it from getting better anytime soon. I’ve given it a 5 […]

how fucking sad is this?

I mean, c’mon… $45.00 for a bunch of runner ups? I’m not really sure who anyone is trying to kid here, but if people are actually gonna pay for these network-made *cough* stars *cough*, then they should buy me a case of beer instead. Reality TV goes lower than I thought possible.