so far, so good!

After a bit of a work crunch before leaving, I made it to the red-eye and had an agreeable flight from Ottawa to London. The person next to me was nice enough, but was a bit of a flailer while sleeping. We arrived in London on time, and got a great approach in which took […]


…bye. See y’all in a little while. I may try and update on the road if it’s possible, but I’m keeping a journal as I go. Have a great Easter, and I’ll be back in a week and a bit. I hope I wrecked some pools.

dear kev

Dear Kev, Please remember you have a paper ticket for this trip. This means you’ll need it to get on the plane. Forgetting it would be bad. You’ve been warned. Warmest regards, your evil twin skippy (why can’t you get an e-ticket for pond jumpers on Mapleflot, anyways?)

no more sleeps

So, I’m scrambling to finish my test cases before I depart on my excellent adventure tonight. I’m reasonably prepared, and only have to track down some BBQ sauce before I leave. No, really. BBQ Sauce. For McNuggets. I’m pretty sure when I go in and ask for 15-20 packets, they’re going to look at me […]

top five beers

This one’s a little easier for me, as I have a very good understanding of what I like, and what I don’t. I’ve tried a number of the low-carb and light beers lately, and while I drink ’em, they’re definitely not in the list of faves. As a rule, I like the darker beers, and […]

top five songs

update 15-nov-2006: way too many sites are referencing/linking to these tracks, so all the mp3’s have been removed. Axe posted his top five songs a while ago, and I’ve been pondering my top five for quite some time. Like anything else that’s subjective, they’re bound to change over time. Here’s what’s on my brain as […]

one week to go

So, at this time next week, I should be landing in Glasgow for a week and a half of enjoying Scotland. Karen has generously offered to put up with me for a while, and make sure I don’t kill myself by looking the wrong way when I cross the street. The itinerary has been pretty […]

keep the frequency clear

So I worked in a bar for seven years doing a combination of bouncing, bartending, and managing (more like assistant managing, but whatever). It was actually a couple bars, because I worked for CUSA Liquor Ops, working at Oliver’s and Roosters. Back then Roosters served booze, and Ollie’s looked something like an elementary school gym […]