Q3 Ch-ch-changes

Well, my vacation is now over. It was a great few days, with some exceptional company. I’ll add more about it later, but today is the start of getting back on the horse (not to mention the third quarter of the year), which includes updating this thing once in a while. I’ve decided to make […]

19 months later…

…the migration is finally done. There will be garbage collection until the end of July, and then I get to eBay a ton of old Compaq shit. thousands of websites, over a hundred thousand mail accounts, and thousands of domains moved. It’s been a challenging project on a number of levels. The hard part is […]

multi-more years of whining

I guess Pat couldn’t bear to be the only one whining and complaining about everything, so he made sure he’d have company. Ah well – better there than here, that’s all I can say.

to the 5 boroughs

So I listen to “An Open Letter to NYC” from the new Beastie Boys CD, and I find myself incredibly – I mean INCREDIBLY– homesick. The BQE was the road to the airport, I’ve traveled on the 1-9 lines, I know the Battery to the top of Manhattan. New York does make it happen, and […]

fatboy slim is fucking in heaven

I can’t see the difference… can you see the difference? On the left is me in a pic at the peak of my large-ness. I was around 245lbs. in that one. On the right is me as of a couple weeks ago. I am 195 there, and am aiming to drop another 10-15 over the […]

wow – that was surprising

Alrighty – the run went really well, and I feel great for the first time in ages. The calf is sore, but overall I feel really good. I managed to put 7.5k on my shoes in 25 degree weather and stupid humidity without dying. I also took in the lovely protestors at the NAC this […]


My calf still hurts – it shouldn’t take this long to heal, should it? oh wait – 6-8 weeks – riiight. Thankfully, it’s only a dull ache now, so I can plod through and it feels relatively decent after 10-15 minutes of work. I’m thinking there’s just a little bit of scar tissue there, still. […]

a non-event

Well, the results of the migration are in, and it was a success all the way around. The most common problem this time around was people who were unaware there was a migration on (and the only reason they noticed was because they couldn’t upload new content because the conventions changed a little). All in […]

movin’ on down

Just got an e-mail from our Captain, and it looks like we’ll be dropping down to Tier 5. He received a note regarding how moving up and dropping down after the first three games will be made, and it goes something like this: “The benchmark for moving up in this shuffle (as told to me […]