the damage

So I went and saw a doctor-type, and they told me that I had strained my extensors, including my glutes, on the left side of my body. This would explain why my ass hurts, too (and no, not in that way). He didn’t think I had done any skeletal damage, and that I should start […]

things to remember

stretch don’t attempt to catch the disc with your upper lip you’re not old, you just feel that way don’t expect sympathy Advil is your friend stretch again don’t think about why you’re doing it, just do it your brain will always lose the argument with your body

reverse angle

Zoe’s dad just sent me a link to a comment on slashdot about dating at 36. I had never thought of it this way. Maybe I should. mmm… tarts.


Ho-lee shit. It only hit me today – I’ve been karma-whacked. I spent so much time boasting right before my game about the excellent shape I was in, karma bit me in the ass. I can sit today. That’s an accomplishment. I couldn’t do this yesterday. I can only do the sitting thing for short […]

..and right back out of the saddle

I’m about ready to give up Ultimate. My leg today was solid, and I had some great defensive and offensive plays (although disc golf has destroyed my flick). Unfortunately, the one thing I’ve never had any problems with any sport – my back – managed to get hurt. I’m pretty sure it was tight from […]

back in the saddle…

Alrighty… so I’m back at it on the activity front. I never stopped weight-training, and managed to hit some big milestones over the last couple of weeks. I can now squat 245lbs., bench press 180, and do 10 reps of dips with a 40 pound weight attached to my ass. I’ve dropped 6 pounds in […]

anyone want a couch?

It’s a nice leather sofa bed, paid $2500 new just under three years ago. Dunno what it’s worth now that it appears to stained in multiple places with indelivle blue ink. You’d think I’d be mad, but for whatever reason I seem to be accepting the fact that it’s wrecked without a lot of fireworks. […]

’tis gone

I helped my brother move my… err… his TV today and, although I’m choked about letting it go, it’s going to a good home. The thing weighs around 280 pounds, and the two of us got it out of my house, onto his truck, to his house via the 417, and into the living room […]

stinky. really stinky.

Last night was quite possibly one of the worst demonstrations of professional football I have ever seen. The Renegades stunk the joint out against the Tiger Pussies. Kerry Joseph showed more than a little rust, the team as a whole took an unbelievable number of penalties, and coach Pao Pao’s play-calling was uninspired, to say […]

1 year later…

…my TV is sold. I’m not sure whether to click my heels in joy, laugh about the stupidity of it all, or cry as I kiss away 60% of its value. Oh well, I’ll have a living/dining room and a bit of cash in the bank. Let us never speak of this again.