christmas carols by mental disorder

This one has been going around. I don’t remember seeing it before, but it’s probably an oldie. It made me laugh, and I think my faves are “Paranoid” and “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder”. Schizophrenia: Do You Hear What I Hear? Multiple Personality Disorder: We Three Queens Disoriented Are Amnesia: I Don’t Know if I’ll be Home […]

it’s snowing

And the men who hold high places Must be the ones who start To mold a new reality Closer to the heart Closer to the heart I just listened to this at high volume. I feel better.

dead, is that you?

Sometimes handles make you think different. I saw the title to this entry on slashdot, and thought it was addressed to me. It wasn’t. I really must learn to delineate the real world and the interweeb.

tell me why

I know why I don’t like Mondays, so I guess I don’t really need anyone to tell me. Today was one of those long, tiring, annoying Mondays that start off poorly at 5am. I can’t go into specifics for a couple of reasons, but thankfully things got better at the end of the day. I […]

always bet on vanilla… or not.

Hrmm… Mike‘s blog closes posts after a certain amount of time (presumably to cut down on comment spam), but doesn’t tell you until after you’ve spent a couple minutes typing it all out. Frustrating. In any event, because I refuse to throw away those two minutes of my life, here’s my comment to one of […]

on the NHLPA and 4 year olds

Mat pointed me to this post comparing NHL hockey players to his 4 year old. It’s pretty much spot-on, but it doesn’t adequately address the ownership’s irresponsibility that led to this, because you know that there are enough idiot parents out there who can’t think past their nose, and will continue to spoil the kids […]

sometimes, ignorance is painful

So I’m still working on getting the new deadsquid server up and running to my satisfaction. It’s now using recent software, and I think the upgrade went well. It still works, and I admit I am afraid to reboot it until someone else looks at it and says “looks good to me”. That’ll happen sometime […]

mmm… wipeout

Awww…. crap. J pointed out that Wipeout is being rebuilt from the ground up for the Sony PSP. I had hoped to avoid finding any reason to get a PSP, but it looks like that’s not gonna happen. Damn you J, it’s all your fault. I gotta say – the Tron-looking screenshot intrigues me.

50 year old bald chick

yuck. I’m sorry, but you’re really fucked in the head, lady. Notre Dame will win a championship when they get the balls to drop their academic standards. You know it’ll happen, and it’ll probably start next year. P.S. to Notre Dame: Tom Clements is smarter than you think. Stupid move number five, by my count. […]

it’s the little things

Some days the smallest thing will set you off. I was going through IMDB‘s bottom 100, and came across a movie my mom loved. I won’t say which, it’s not important. It did, however, carry all the pain this time of year (for me) brings right up to the surface. A movie title shouldn’t be […]