
Following Coop’s lead, I installed the beta of Gallery 2, the next major release of the photo album software most people on use, for my pics this eve. It’s much prettier, but there’s a number of things I’m not crazy about, most notably the drop down action bars for regular users. I’m sure there’s […]

a ridiculous amount of time later

Today was supposed to be packing day for the move to the new digs on Thursday. It didn’t happen, and I hate being sick. Ah well, these things happen, so the day was used for the forces of good battling the forces of evil. To assist me with that, I finally finished Halo 2 (I […]

there goes the one good round of the season

Bobo, coop, and I played our first round of the spring today (at least, I think it was bobo and coop’s first round). I didn’t suck, which surprised me. Four birdies on the day, and managing to hold par or better from the 11th through 18th hole made me a pretty happy guy. If it […]

which lossless codec, and why?

I’m about to re-rip my entire CD collection for the fourth time. I don’t want to do it again, so have decided to invest in a small(ish) array and use a lossless codec to create a reference set of my music. From the reference, I plan on transcoding to a variety of bitrates (depending on […]

harmonicizin’ beats

I’ve watched this a couple times, and I’m still trying to figure out if this is cool or silly, and how someone would discover they have both these “talents” (from memepool)

toys are good

On my return, there was a note from FedEx stating they had a package they had tried to deliver, but were unsuccessful in the attempt. I thought it was some crap from work, but it turned out to be the toy I had pre-ordered and had hoped to pick up prior to jumping on an […]

kj’s right, it is very cool

You just have to love how the folks at Google continue to come out with cool tools. kj points out that Google now has satellite imagery available for its maps. It also still does all the cool overlay stuff, so you can see all the landmarks on your way to useful places. Click on the […]

rally racin’

Driving in Scotland was entertaining… ok, being a passenger in Scotland was entertaining. The roads were winding and all roller coaster like. mck drove, I was there for the ride. Whee! Clips are here and here. No sound, stupid Olympus cameras turning it off by default.

leavin’, on an airplane

So. I’m sitting at the gate waiting to board the first leg of my trip home. The flight starts to board in about twenty minutes, and I’ve paid close to $22.00 for wireless access for the day here and in Heathrow, where I’ll be spending around six hours total. Strangely enough, it seems worth it. […]