daft copy control no more

For the past year or so, I’ve been boycotting EMI Music. They introduced an annoying copy protection scheme whose only “protection” seemed to be to not work in my car’s CD player. They’ve been agressive, and have included this new feature on pretty much everything released in Canada. EMI has a lot of artists I […]


So, the migration didn’t go without a hitch… in fact, there were many minor hitches. That said, we finished it off this eve, and everything looks good on the surface. Tomorrow will be the true test when the users try things out. The intended result is they won’t notice a thing – hopefully that’ll be […]

well, that didn’t work

The first migration for the new gig didn’t quite work. Good news is there was no harm, no foul, no permanent damage. Bad news is we found a bug that is a wee bit destructive with the data. We’re pretty sure we know what thw problem is, and if our solution doesn’t work there’s a […]

do you drink scotch whisky?

If so, help Karen out by answering a few questions she’s posted about your habits/faves. Go on over to her post with the questions and reply using the “Comment” form at the bottom of the post.


So, I made it to Tucson. It’s a gorgeous city, and my only complaint so far has been that Hertz’s map wasn’t quite to scale, resulting in exploring a little more than I wanted to on my way from the airport to the hotel. I’m at a Four Points Sheraton just outside the University of […]

off we go…

So, travel has started once again. The last few years have been nice to me time-wise, and its been a mixed blessing to work primarily from Ottawa. I have, however, missed travelling. There’s something I really like about breaking a month up with a trip or three to places away from home. I’m off to […]


If I’m using one of the Ministry of Ontario’s Self Serve Kiosks and not making use of expensive, human labour by going to one of their centres, why am I charged a “convenience fee”? Isn’t it reasonable to assume that because I’m entering all the data, and not some unionized person on the other side […]


It would seem that someone set up a little place to poke around while I wasn’t looking. It’s been there for a while – I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed it before. Welcome to the pintday party line, and be sure to beat the sysadmin regularly. Oh, and I have a stored rant from that […]

day of the tiger?

Tiger Woods is back. No matter if he ultimately loses the Masters, he is putting on a jaw-dropping performance. He had a terrible first round, and could have packed it in then. He didn’t, and is destroying the course right now. He birdied the last three holes yesterday, and the first four holes played today. […]