fark in one picture

If you’re a regular reader of fark, you know that there are certain interweeb icons which continue to pop up time and again. In one of the daily photoshop competitions, someone put together a pic which (I think) defines fark and its sense of humour pretty concisely. That picture is here, and it’s awesome. If […]

first q(!)

Tonight marked the first BBQ at the new pad. It was seventeen degrees, not a cloud in the sky, and no wind. The sun was setting, and it was just a perfect eve for a q. I made a maple-ginger-beer marinade for some chicken breasts, and prepared some steamed broccoli with lemon butter and some […]

tear it down, up!

So after watching the Serenity trailer a few times last week, I wanted to know what track was playing as River started to kick a little ass. After some hunting, I discovered that it was called Skylight, from Overseer. With two solid tracks (the other coming from SSX3: Accessory to Boarder), I’m going to have […]

abodes, past and present

J had a pretty cool idea while playing with Google maps. This is a shameless copy of that idea, plus just a wee bit of verbosity. It’s kinda cool—yet ridiculous—when I look back at all the different places I’ve lived in. From the start of writing this post, its turned from a “hey, look at […]

itunes tried to eat my brain

So I fired iTunes up earlier this aft and just hit play. No playlists, no party shuffle, no filtering of any kind. Just picked a spot, and hit play. Everything was fine until it hit Alanis – Now is the Time. This is the CD she made when she was annoying all of us before […]

the pilgrim brewer

Evan is one of the folks who make up pintday.org. His writing style is humorous, and I wish I had one-tenth of his style and flair. Even if you don’t agree with everything he writes-which is pretty much guaranteed-you will enjoy reading it. For the last little while, Ev’s been completing the Architecture program at […]

video scratch

Ok, this is pretty damn slick. Basically, the video is shot all at once, but the lyrics are ad-libbed out of sequence. During the playback there are ff’s past lyrics which are later returned to. Pretty cool stuff, and a great concept for a vid. The music itself is not bad, and it reminds me […]

memories of scotland

This post has been sitting in “draft” for a few weeks, so it’s time I set it free. This isn’t a new flavour of marinade from President’s Choice, it’s more of a conclusion to my trip to Scotland. I haven’t taken vacation time to go anywhere outside of Ottawa (from wherever I was) to see […]

beer bistro

Tonight fell into the category of “excellent”. It’s always a treat to hook up with Ingenia folk, and I’m constantly reminded of what a great group of people worked there. Jumanji (Keith) and I have kept in touch since Ingenia folded, but I hadn’t seen him since 1996. Way, way, way too long. We closed […]


So… has anyone else noticed that almost all the North American sites that mirrored sourceforge files have dropped out? The only remaining company/organisation still hosting is easynews. It hasn’t been a gradual loss of hosters, either. In the last six months, at least ten providers and universities have dropped off the map. What the dilly-o?