i guess electricity doesn’t always cause sterility

For those of you who remember Sheldon and his fine selection of cheap and/or strong beers, his comforter, and the ignitor, he gone done it again. Mélania Grace DeCoste was born yesterday morning in the wee hours, and will undoubtably give daddy a reason to buy a shotgun in 12-13 years from now. Congrats Shelly, […]

coors country

Someday I’ll learn, but most of the people I know are betting against it. After talking to a couple of folks last night, I couldn’t keep my eyes open past 21:30. I had a 6am flight this morning, and hadn’t packed. I went to bed anyways, and woke up sometime around 02:45 and was unable […]

happy birthday!

Today is my little sister’s birthday, and it’s the first of hers as a mom. While she was in town we got a little time to speak, and she lamented about how we were getting older. I can’t quote her, but it involved fatigue, wrinkles, inability to drink, and a bunch of other things. As […]

down by the bayyyyy…

…where the watermelons gr… hrmm… there were no watermelons. Sorry, Raffi, end of the line. Today was all about making good on a promise I made to myself when I took the job I’m currently in. I’m travelling again, and am currently in San Francisco. One of the things I regret about past jobs involving […]

what’s the time? it’s beer o’clock!

The folks on the channel pointed me to a great Firefox plugin this morning. It’s the “Beer O’Clock” plugin, and it tells you how much longer you have to go before you can enjoy quaffing some cold suds. One of the nice bits about the plugin is that you can define your own time units, […]


Jell-o posted a great bit about some really bad legislation that passed this eve. Have a read, it’s a little sad what’s going on in the land of the free these days, especially since a “universal” ID card will do next to nothing to fight terrorists, and do everything to make tracking joe citizen that […]

lunch with the kealeys

Ange, Matt, Kieran, and Guinness are in town this week as part of Ange’s trip back to take her verbal internal medicine exam. This is the one that is like being put in a pressure cooker, while your head is placed in a vice and holes are drilled in your toes and filled with turpentine. […]

one more year

So yesterday was my birthday. It’s the first year I’ve actually realised I’m getting older, in spite of that process starting on the original birthday a number of years back. I’ve been feeling my age the last little bit, and I think a lot of it has to do with the amount of time I’ve […]

art of science

Mike Hoye pointed this site out in the channel today. It’s a competition for pictures taken in the pursuit of science. The awards are sponsored out of Princeton University, and there are some truly beautiful pictures in there. Each picture has a brief writeup on what the picture is and, in a lot of cases, […]