this ain’t good

It seems my network connectivity at home is kinda sucking. I was on the phone with tech support and they said “you’re filtering ICMP”, to which my reply was “no I’m not”. He then finally got a response and said “oh, gee, that’s bad”. That’s why I’m talking to you. 🙂 ping boojum PING home […]

two inches of shaft makes all the difference

A friend of mine told me the other day that a mere 2″ of shaft can make all the difference in the world, so I took her advice after buying a new stick to replace the one I broke last Thursday. I’m used to playing hockey with a short stick, as it gives much better […]

dooce bigalow

Today was one of the most depressing days I’ve experienced since 9/11. I had written a long, rambling post describing it, but figured I play with fire enough elsewhere, and there’s no point getting dooced right before Christmas. I realize it’s the moment heavily influencing my thoughts, but I was questioning – and not for […]

day seized – check

Today has been one of those good weekend days. It started off with a trip to the gym for my first real workout in almost two months, and nothing snapped, strained, broke, or flopped. I’ve lost a significant amount of strength in the last couple of months, but am counting on muscle memory to bring […]

sgi 1600sw dvi to openldi solution

One of the bonuses I collected while working at a former employer was SGI‘s 1600SW flat-panel display. It’s a beautiful piece of hardware, with a 1600×1024 resolution, a really fine dot-pitch, and a decent refresh rate. The only problem with it is that SGI decided to bank on National Semiconductor’s OpenLDI specification, which got laughed […]

ikea is cool, but it ain’t that cool

I just don’t understand this type of behaviour. When I was living in Minneapolis, the first Krispy Kreme opened off the 494. Traffic was backed up for 2 miles from people waiting to use the off-ramp to get a fucking donut. That said, the people who designed the 394 and 494 combo on/off ramps make […]

WIPO my ass-o

Hey kids, the Canadian government is looking to immediately ratify the WIPO treaties which have allowed the government down South impose wonderful legislation like the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. This is bad for a number of reasons. The treaties would facilitate corporations, organizations, entities, and individuals to request content takedowns from ISPs/hosting companies on only […]

when your heart’s just not in it

Reading stuff like this makes me think a little. I’m five years older than Zholtok was, and have the odd bout of arrhythmia from time to time, usually when overtired. That said, I feel like complete crap when it hits, so can’t imagine ever wanting to play while feeling sickly. I wonder if he really […]

nice finish

We completed our fall season today with a win, and a second-half record of 5-2. It was beautiful temperature-wise (12 degrees in November!), but crazy windy. We were a little short on people, but had enough to show the colours and make a game of it. The first half was very even, with us taking […]