crap on the right

I’ve made a couple changes to the sidebar, adding a random pic from my photo gallery along with info on what’s currently playing on iTunes. Why? I dunno, it just seemed like a good idea.

The tunes info comes courtesy of Brandon Fuller’s Now Playing plugin for iTunes (Windows only, but there are a bunch of Mac plugins out there that do the same thing). The random picture is pulled from the Gallery of photos using the WPG2 plugin for WordPress.

I’ve also tossed my Gallery 1 installation finally. I was running two seperate instances, with two copies of every photo, which seemed kinda stupid. So, a lot of Google image searches will break for a little while, but I’m not terribly choked up about it. If you have a DS account and want to upgrade to Gallery 2, please drop me a line and I’ll give you the skinny on how to install G2 (and upgrade from G1, if necessary).

Playthings, really, but it’s all in the name of fun.

As an aside, the folks at WPG2 have announced that they’re not going to support Gallery 2 implementations that use URL redirects. I am pretty sure what this means is that they refuse to answer any more users questions about how to get WPG2 working with a Gallery 2 install that uses redirects. It’s pretty straight forward, and is even (poorly) documented. If you have such a beastie, and it’s not working, drop me a line and I’ll help ya out.

3 thoughts on “crap on the right

  1. That’s actually the exact problem that I’m having. My url redirects work fine within wordpress itself but when I try to enable url redirects in Gallery it’s a no-go; I get broken thumbnails and broken links back on the wordpress side of things.

    I guess it’s the wordpress .htaccess instructions conflicting with the instructions that it would get from Gallery?

    I just turned off Gallery’s url redirecting and all is working well. It would be nice (but not critical) to get the nice Gallery urls too.

  2. It’s not a conflict, you just need to put rewite rules in an .htaccess file in your wordpress directory. Try this, and let me know how you fare, as it worked for me:

    – enable redirects in Gallery 2

    – create an empty .htaccess file in your wordpress root (/blog), and chmod 666 the file

    – copy this file into your wordpress root directory and gunzip it

    – open that page (i.e.

    – go to the URL listed beside “Gallery2 Site Admin URL”, login if required, and go to the “URL Rewrite” section

    – Select the “Setup” tab, and go down to the “Embedded Setup” section. Enter the .htaccess path and the public path from the wpg2rewritepaths.php page, and click save.

    – Click on the “test” tab, and everything should be set up properly now (note, you may have to go back to the Rules tab, click Save, and re-test.

    Let me know how you make out. That’s how mine is working 🙂

  3. Hi Kev,

    I, too, am having URL rewrite issues. I have found that disabling the URL Rewrite Module in Gallery does solve the problem (which is: clicking on any photo displayed in WordPress simply links to the main Gallery page).

    I have tried following the instructions you referenced above, but discovered that I get an error when going to the Setup tab:
    > Approved referers
    > The parser you have selected does not support a
    > referer check.

    I never actually see the “Embedded Setup” fields.

    Can you shed any light on that error message? Many thanks.

    ~chris p.

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