that’s not thunder

…and it sure doesn’t look anything like Ray Bradbury‘s classic short story, either. From the looks of the trailer, I’ll be staying far, far away from “A Sound of Thunder:” when the movie is released. It’s one of my favorite, and most memorable, sci-fi short stories. It looks like the movies going to take all […]

au revoir

Jim Caple says it best. With the NHL where it is today, and the MLB managing to hang on despite itself, my interest in pro sports is waning. Thanks for the sendoff Jim, you captured everything quite nicely. To the Expos, a hearty farewell. It’s amazing what the players and coaching staff did over the […]

what have I become

my sweetest friend everyone I know goes away in the end and you could have it all my empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt Sometimes, that’s just the way it is. Ya ever feel like apologizing to all your friends and family for being who you are? Tonight […]

in all honesty…

…it’s not that it hasn’t registered, it’s more that the large majority of North America doesn’t care – including the traditional markets. I thought I would care a little, I don’t. I have football, my own Thursday night hockey league, running, group leading, movies, and a social life. That doesn’t leave much time for hockey, […]

text != Word

On Friday there were some sales people and solutions engineers having a crisis. They had a customer who had been running their own Windoze-based nameservers for their domains. The boxes had been set up by one of their folks who acted as their IS/IT department. Said folk left, and they had some domain-related issues, somehow […]

my precious…

Ok, I caved. It’s little, white, and pretty. It holds a tonne of music. It has an outstanding interface. And it’s mine now. Why’d I wait so long to pick one of these up again?

pretty pictures

So, after owning an HDTV-capable TV for the better part of three years, I finally got an HDTV receiver last week. I use ExpressVU as my provider, and have been reasonably happy with the service, so I have sworn off Rogers and will stick with them. The receivers have finally dropped to “reasonable” prices, so […]

trance/house mixes

If you like this kinda thing, check out the mix forum over at globalbeatz. I’ve been pulling a lot of stuff on-the-fly from here, and while it’s a mixed bag, I have found some decent remixes. You have to register to download.

to speak to a monkey, say “monkey”

Mike’s post on signing up for DSL service made me chuckle. He’s right, if someone has to ask how they can give you excellent customer service today, they probably won’t be able to. My personal favorites are companies that use their Customer Service lines to pitch new/enhanced services, when all you really want to do […]