’tis done, part ii

So for those that don’t know, I resigned my position at my current employer late yesterday. I’m going back to working for a hw/sw company, and am really looking forward to it. I’ll be spending two and a half weeks tying everything up, then will be starting the new job. It’s public knowledge at my company now, so I guess it’s ok to put it up here 🙂

5 thoughts on “’tis done, part ii

  1. Can we start calling this Ginger now? Or is IT Fred?

    Congrats Kev! Can’t wait to hear the gritty nitty.

  2. Wait, I’m confused. Are you now saying you WEREN’T happy at your current job? Glad to hear the news, Kev.

  3. Thanks for all the well-wishing, folks! I’m pretty freaking psyched about the whole deal, and it’ll be really nice to get back into the consulting aspect and building stuff again. The new gig is with people I’ve worked with before, and there’s a bizdev, architecture, and implementation component. I even get to build a little lab at home with all the new stuff, which is kinda cool, too (although it’ll mean moving into larger digs, so I’ll be moving again in May)

    And Shelly, I lurved my current job. No, really! *cough* Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow eve.

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