I was supposed to post an update today of how work was going after three weeks. I am sad to report that I am writing a paragraph or two to say that I’m a slacker, and won’t be providing an update until tomorrow or sunday or never. Never is a very long time though, so there’s decent odds I’ll update tomorrow or Sunday.
Today I did something I haven’t been able to do in a very long time – I went for lunch with co-workers who live in the same city as I do. We hit Feleena’s, but couldn’t get a spot on the patio because it was so unbelievably gorgeous outside. The gorgeousness called out after lunch, so coop, robcee, and I went over to Jacques Cartier to play a little disc golf. I had some great drives (including a couple that actually went where I wanted them to), a couple birdies, and maybe a single digit above par score (maybe). ’twas glorious.
Of course, when I came back, all the things I had wanted to do this morning but were bumped by a mini crisis were still there. So, I got caught up, and am just finishing now. That’s why no there will be no update. What’s important to note is that I didn’t resent spending any time getting caught up – the job is that good, and the trade-off of an evening catching up against a nice lunch and a round of disc golf in near-perfect conditions was well worth it.
Life is good. The only other thing I have to say is I hit 10k views on Flickr today, and that’s without being much of a group whore. I will be getting out with the camera this weekend because I have been craptastic in getting out of late. Ok, it’s time for bed.