j-e-t-s suck, suck, suck!

Once again, the Jets lived up to their reputation of sucking hard when it matters most. The upsetting part of this game for coach Edwards is that his team played really well, but the kicker didn’t do what he’s paid to do. Brien has been shaky the last couple weeks, missing field goals that mattered […]

pas d’hockey

For the last year and a half, I’ve been running out to Kanata every Thursday night to put the skates on and play some hockey. Unfortunately, every game has been excruciatingly painful, because my skates compressed my instep every time. Tonight, before my game, I headed over to Hockey One to see if my skates […]

pagerank: 6

So coop‘s Google PageRank climbed another notch in the last couple days from five to six. I’m really curious as to what the trigger was. I know I shouldn’t be paying attention to little things like that, but I find it interesting that Google ranks his site at the same level as the local tabloid. […]

an interesting idea

So I saw the tagline for the ESPNHL, a replacement league for the NHL that the folks at ESPN came up with. I thought it would be very Page 2-ish, but it turns out that it’s pretty well thought out. Check it out, it’s actually chock full of good ideas. I’m pretty sure the Canadians […]

sorry about that

So, I’ve been busy. A casualty of being busy has been this place. Apparently, people have been noticing this; my apologies. Life is good. Heck, life is great. Every aspect of it seems to be taking a turn for the better. Four weeks ago I was gearing up for another shitty holiday season where I […]

some things make you go “whoa”

There’s nothing quite like running in the rain. I love the rain, because it cools you off while giving you a little extra opposition. It quiets everything down so you do nothing but focus on the sounds of your footfalls, your breathing, your heart thumping, and (optionally) the conversation of whoever you’re running with. Tonight […]


…I seem to have forgotten to update the last couple days with anything meaningful, which is a shame, I admit. So, good things are happening. Some of which I can’t talk about, some of which I won’t talk about. I’m happy, and think I’m going to be a lot happier in the coming months. Christmas […]