firefox release dates

Update: Asa put a calendar up that is much better, as it covers all release channels, not just the main line.

because I am always, always trying to figure out when a particular release of Firefox is coming out.

big-assed disclaimer: this assumes unwavering adherence to releasing every six weeks. I will update this page if something happens.

also, New Year’s Day in 2013 is gonna hurt.

Firefox Beta Aurora
27-Sep-11 7 8 9
8-Nov-11 8 9 10
20-Dec-11 9 10 11
31-Jan-12 10 11 12
13-Mar-12 11 12 13
24-Apr-12 12 13 14
5-Jun-12 13 14 15
17-Jul-12 14 15 16
28-Aug-12 15 16 17
9-Oct-12 16 17 18
20-Nov-12 17 18 19
1-Jan-13 18 19 20
12-Feb-13 19 20 21
26-Mar-13 20 21 22
7-May-13 21 22 23
18-Jun-13 22 23 24
30-Jul-13 23 24 25
10-Sep-13 24 25 26
22-Oct-13 25 26 27

16 thoughts on “firefox release dates

  1. this is just effed-up..

    100+k people in the moz ecosystem having to memorize this table..

    we should just make it explicit and switch to date-based versions..

  2. No-one has to ‘memorize’ anything, it’s just 6 week gaps. It only looks odd because months don’t have a constant number of days.

  3. This would make a nice add-on. Who needs a wiki page, if it’s “at your finger tips” – pun unintended but wth.

  4. We’ll have an .ics URL to subscribe to, hang tight! It’ll let you slice the dates any way you like.

  5. Going by this, and if Ubuntu sticks with Firefox, they’ll have these versions within 18 months:
    Ubuntu 11.10 – Firefox 7
    Ubuntu 12.04 – Firefox 11
    Ubuntu 12.10 – Firefox 16
    Ubuntu 13.04 – Firefox 20

  6. Please sort out global extensions for Firefox so that it reflects the current documentation which worked with ff7. At the moment ff is going backwards for the enterprise!

  7. can mozila is able to release changes in Firefox. this calender shows releasing date but what are the changes will apply on next version.

  8. The problem is, Firefox 10 have sounded cool (to some people), but names like Firefox 19 just sound strange imo. Let alone Firefox 32.

    Switching to meaningless names like Microsoft did for Windows 4, 5 and 6 won’t work though since than nobody will know if the browser is outdated or not.

    So in the end they’ll probably have to use something related to the release date. Maybe along the lines of 2013.1, 2013.2, 2013.3 and so on.

  9. I feel that version 14 has caused lot of problems for me and to uninstall numerous times. It has not work right since put it on my browser.

  10. “In principle, in subsequent releases, the major number is increased when there are significant jumps in functionality, the minor number is incremented when only minor features or significant fixes have been added, and the revision number is incremented when minor bugs are fixed.”

    Why the above versioning model is ignored by the powers that be, is beyond me. Not to mention that new “versions” face the hurdle of change review in corporate IT infrastructures and will thus delay deployment of newer versions. Not to mention how this affects testing web based software/apps where some “versions” may have an issue that others may not. Not everyone’s testing cycles are 6 weeks.

    You can have the latest/greatest as 17.1, 17.2, 17.3 and not 17, 18, 19. It comes across as “flighty” at best.

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