sat morning treat

I’ve been pretty good, so this morning decided to treat myself to some blueberry-walnut pancakes. They’re still pretty good for me, and they were very, very tasty. The recipe is from this month’s Runner’s World, but isn’t on the site yet.

Here it be:

1-1/2 cups whole milk
1 cup instant oats
3/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour (or a blend of white and whole wheat flours)
3/4 cup blueberries
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup oat flour or oat bran
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten

Pour milk over oats in a bowl. In a separate bowl sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Lightly stir eggs into oat mixture, then add dry ingredients and honey, stirring until combined. When the batter is thoroughly mixed, stir in the walnuts and blueberries. Ladle batches of batter onto pre-heated griddle or frying pan and cook until tops are bubbly, turning once to finish cooking on the other side. Makes around 8 pancakes (they’re of decent size, two is PLENTY).

Calories: 400 Fat: 16g Carbs: 52g Protein: 15g

This is fuel for my bike ride and workout, and it beats the crap out of McDonalds on multiple levels. I used about half the salt, and still found there to be a little too much for my liking (but I am not a fan of it). The author of the article says to not worry about the fat content of using whole milk, adding that it adds a lot of flavour, and is worth the extra running.

I concur.

4 thoughts on “sat morning treat

  1. so i went and made it this morning.. woweeweewa! awesoem pancakes.. im not usually a fan of pancakes, as i dont like the texture.. but these ones are all about texture.. very good indeed.

    not being a fan of walnuts and blue berries.. i interchanged them with cashews and strawberries. i also noticed i didnt have honey (!) after i got home from groceries.. so i switched that with cane syrup. (yah i always have cane syrup handy:P)

    ropped with rasberries, blackberries, strawberries and banana… yum!

  2. I have a rocking recipe for banana-walnut pancakes if you’re interested. Not quite as many grains as this, but super tasty.

    I’ll have to give this recipe a try. 🙂

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