10 thoughts on “I DO NOT sound like buffalo

  1. What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)


    You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

  2. pretty dead on for me, as in completely exact!

    What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)

    This could either mean an r-less NYC or Providence accent or one from Jersey which doesn’t sound the same. (People in Jersey don’t call their state “Joisey” in real life)

  3. You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

    It fits, xD

  4. it said that i had a southern accent and i live in the north……maybe its because my fam’s from the south and my grandmother speaks with the accent

  5. we can all stand by and blame everything from mom or dad lousy schools and teachers to financial woes(and I have had both problems)-move on in apositive direction-IT is abitch-we all have to squeeze and squirm through LIFE-So by being an angry person-violent-a serial killer(my least favorite)constantly blaming this that or the other thing——–FORGET ABOUT IT after our sorry asses are long gone who is gonna give acrap.Live life learn life have respect—ya right plant a freekin seed we are all in the same boat -DO NOT become someone you do not want to be-unless of course the streets are your home-well guess what i have met everyone from hells kitchen to the ivy league types–oh me(been to hell,spit me out and said your sorry ass is going back top side hell was to good for me.AND for GODS SAKE-say shove it up your ass–to CRACK.LIve short and be aschmuck or get on to something anything YOUR LIFE AND THE ONES U LOVE NO MATTER WHAT IS SHOVED UP YOUR ASS-MAKE aChange or suffer more hellpain than u can imagine-And i am not gonna try to throw GOD at you (THE BIG MAN IS ON VACATION)!!!

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