boo lawyers

Lawyers are making life a little difficult right now. That’s not fair, they’re not making things difficult, they’re doing their job. I can’t be bothered with them, but they’re a necessary evil. It’s not bad, and I understand their position completely, but I’ve done it before and know how to deal with things. It’s all […]

and another piece of ingenia slips away

It seems that xwave finally divested itself of the domain name. There’s almost nothing left, except a sign at coop‘s house, and some memories. In a move which completely shocked me, the network admins at xwave actually remembered to hang on to the portable IP blocks they acquired when they acquired Software Kinetics, who […]

i love irc

Sometimes you get someone off the top rope, coming out of nowhere. Today that was gopher. For those of you who don’t know prii, he’s very well known for his inability to spell pretty much anything. [11:54] <zulu> homer? [11:54] <homerbot> Blame the guy who doesn’t speak English. [11:56] <gopher> blame prii? [11:56] <prii> omg […]

yet another reason why google rocks

Google announced today that they were implementing some changes to their PageRank system to help fight comment spam. The implementation is pretty simple, you simply add rel=”nofollow” to your hyperlinks, and the search engine will ignore it. Yahoo! and MSN are also participating, and most of the major blog publishing suites are incorporating the change. […]

j-e-t-s suck, suck, suck!

Once again, the Jets lived up to their reputation of sucking hard when it matters most. The upsetting part of this game for coach Edwards is that his team played really well, but the kicker didn’t do what he’s paid to do. Brien has been shaky the last couple weeks, missing field goals that mattered […]

pas d’hockey

For the last year and a half, I’ve been running out to Kanata every Thursday night to put the skates on and play some hockey. Unfortunately, every game has been excruciatingly painful, because my skates compressed my instep every time. Tonight, before my game, I headed over to Hockey One to see if my skates […]

pagerank: 6

So coop‘s Google PageRank climbed another notch in the last couple days from five to six. I’m really curious as to what the trigger was. I know I shouldn’t be paying attention to little things like that, but I find it interesting that Google ranks his site at the same level as the local tabloid. […]

an interesting idea

So I saw the tagline for the ESPNHL, a replacement league for the NHL that the folks at ESPN came up with. I thought it would be very Page 2-ish, but it turns out that it’s pretty well thought out. Check it out, it’s actually chock full of good ideas. I’m pretty sure the Canadians […]