christmas eve

I was lucky enough to spend Christmas Eve with the Rudnitski’s last night. I managed to arrive a half hour late because of the 3 inches of ice covering all the sidewalks and my complete inability to read directions (Karen writes excellent directions which, if read, are simple to follow), leading me to overshoot the street I needed to turn up by a kilometre or so. I thought I knew where it was… honest.

Dinner was fantastic, with multiple courses, good wine, and wonderful company. The conversation at the table reminded me a lot of our family, with some strong personalities exchanging differentiating points of view on a multitude of subjects. There was also a wee bit of teasing, and I even learned some history on why some ornaments are more important than others.

I also discovered that there was not one, but two past presidents of high school AV clubs. I discovered this by making a crack about the geekiness of the AV club, and having the table go silent. Nothing like placing my foot squarely in my mouth, but it was pretty funny at the time, and it explained a lot 😉

I’m not a big fan of this time of year for a variety of reasons, but I must say last night was awesome. It reminded me of dinners gone by with my extended family, and how it’s all about the people around you that make it special. Thanks very much to Sharon, Don, Karen, and Kristina for allowing me to share a great evening with their family. I had an awesome time, and you’re an exceptional group.